Friday, July 17, 2009


Hey!!How are u guys?Here I come again!HAH.Oh my,I miss my blog sooo much....I was planning to share the entire stories of my holiday in my blog but I was too lazy to do that..:D.But I think I did the right thing,because my holiday was sooooo boring, either way I had nothing to tell you about my holiday.

Till.......on 10th of July I joined the English Camp 2009 in Batu (my hometown!!).I knew about it because my sister called me and asked me to join, she's the one of the committe I guess,and without any consideration I said yes to her, just because it sounds good for me.Hah.You know because I've never used any parts of my brain during the holiday so I couldn't think as much as I usually did.Haha.

And...GOSH!!I've never imagine this English Camp will bring a lot of FUN!!! This wasn't just an English Camp but it was really a SURVIVOR Camp(just like they called it).I thought there would be much of discussion time or in other words I thought it would be a formal occassion or something like that, because I've never heard about english camp before. But, I was wrong at all.The English Camp were soooooo GREAT and FUN!I liked all the survivor programs.I liked the songs, the games, the discussion group,the campfire,everything!.I enjoyed every single time at the camp and this camp really improved my speaking skill,the native speakers a.k.a the 'bule' were so friendly and really helpful.If I tell you all of the stories about the camp,I'm sure it'll be too long,,ahaha.

Anyway, thanks GOD for giving me this opportunity,because I really learned how to 'survive' there.U know,I came there alone without any of my friends joined with me,I thought I'd be alone,but once again..I was wrong,I didn't feel alone at all.I think we need this kind of situation to help us get out from our 'comfort zone',and I did that.Well,something new is always exciting for me!yeah..So,I realized that I made a right decision this time, if I brought my friend maybe I'd just sit down with my friend and not talking too much to the people and bla bla bla...but for the next camp I'm planning to bring more friends to join,I want them to have fun too!!considering that it will be my second time join the english camp so I think I know what to do if I bring my friends to the english camp.Hah.I'm eager for the next english camp!I'm ready for meeting new friends!YAY.

Sooooo because of this english camp my holiday isn't boring anymore! I spent the rest of my holiday to keep in touch with my new friends from the camp and learning english so much more.....aaahhhhh thx GOD! my boring holiday has been saved!eheheheh...but there's one more thing,I don't have any photos from the english camp,u know why?I lost my digital camera,and my hp's camera isn't working.yahh I know it's too bad.But I feel better because I can get some english camp photos from the committe.So, over all the camp was really really GREAT!

By the way,i'll be back to school on the next 4 friends,new class,new teacher,new problem...HOHO....Wait for me XI SOS 2!

Ok then,I hve to leave now......hope I can share something again...Adios!have a nice day!

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