Friday, August 28, 2009


18th : My birthdayy!!heii it was fun...wanna say thx to all of my friends for giving me a surprise at that time...but  i don't have the photos :( awww.

well that's the only special day i had this week..haha.the rest is fullllll with school's work..aigooo!!nega michyoseo!!hwahahahag...sok korea...

okey enough about school enough about test just enough!!

well i like this quote my brother gave me yesterday...

"jadikan semua orang di sekitarmu itu gurumu"

eventhough the person is bad or u hate them there's always something to learned about .....hmmm will be soo great if i keep that words on my mind...there will be something new everyday...well these day i've learned how to appreciate other more and more..


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