Monday, August 10, 2009


Annyeong!how r u doing everyone?hahaha...well i had a verryyy busy week,school's getting crazy....we hve lots of things to do:homework,assigments,test, preparation for indonesian independence day,school's anniversary...bla bla bla

hoh it's like SHOCKING SODA!!everyone at the school are busy.....we are preparing many things....well its time to get used to it...its just the beginning of my 2nd grade journey...i'm sure its going to be more and more crazy than school has always had tight schedule everyday!!hahaha agak lebay sebenernya cuman kalo dipikir lagi ya that's true!yang tugas lah,pe-er lah,ulangan lah,kerja kelompok lah,nyiapin acara ini itu...hoh....its tiring!!but also fun...ahaha

over all im doing fine im trying to enjoy every moment on high school...and I did!the first thing that i really enjoy was about my class : XI SOS 2!hah...guys you're nuts!!hahah.My classmates are friendly,full of ideas,and crazzzyyyy!!haha..well it was a good start and i hope we are able to know each other well and get a great memories together...=D


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